Saturday, 25 October 2014

Listen to Heart: 36. Listen to Heart – Be Learned To Be Learned….

Listen to Heart: 36. Listen to Heart – Be Learned To Be Learned….: Hari Bol.... 36. Listen to Heart – Be Learned To Be Learned…. To become a learned person, one has to learn. Is there any end to le...

36. Listen to Heart – Be Learned To Be Learned….

Hari Bol....

36. Listen to Heart – Be Learned To Be Learned….

To become a learned person, one has to learn. Is there any end to learning? It is a big question. If yes, then I think a person can be called as Learned or he can call himself as Learned once he has learned all in all aspects. If no, then can we conclude that a person can never call himself as learned and can never be tagged as Learned because one cannot learn all in lifetime in all aspect? Then the question remains open – who is a learned person? How can one be learned? What is the path of action to be learned? And so on….If it is not possible then what do we mean by the word learned?

In one of the article in the journey of, Listen to Heart we have discussed that “Listen to Heart - Learning by Unlearning has No Bar …. “ One can learn at any age and at any place by anyone like Arjuna learnt from Krishna in the battlefield itself making battlefield as classroom. For learning you need not represent to any cast, creed, religion, sex…Learning is above all. You just need to be motivated to learn with positive thoughts and positive energy and stay in positive vibration and to be in this state one has to listen to his heart.

A person is called as ‘Learned’ in this material world, one who possesses or demonstrates profound, often systematic knowledge. This is directed towards so called scholars. They learn by gaining knowledge by learning and teaching or by experience. A learned person is a scholarly person. A learned person is a well-informed person. A learned person is someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field. A person of great or varied learning is called Polymath. It comes from a Greek word ‘Polumathēs’ which means having much knowledge. A learned person is called as Pundit in Hindu religion. A Pandit is a Brahman learned in Sanskrit and, especially in Hindu religion, philosophy or law. Pundit is a person who makes comments or judgments in an authoritative manner. A learned person (especially in the humanities); someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines is also called a Bookman. He is a person who uses the mind creatively. He is a scholar who is skilled in academic disputation. He is a person who has received a degree from a school, high school or college or university. A specialist in the Arabic language or culture is called ‘Arabist’. An Arabist is one who is favorably disposed toward Arab concerns and policies. He is a student or expert in Arabic culture, language, history, etc.

There are few Learned Societies also. A learned society (also known as a scholarly society or academic association) is an organization that exists to promote an academic discipline or profession, or a group of related disciplines or professions. Membership may be open to all or may require possession of some qualification. Few Learned societies are;  the Polish Sodalitas Litterarum Vistulana (founded 1488), the Italian Accademia dei Lincei (founded 1603), the Académie Française (founded 1635), the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (founded 1652), the Royal Society of London (founded 1660)or the French Academy of Sciences(founded 1666). Most learned societies are non-profit organizations. Their activities typically include holding regular conferences for the presentation and discussion of new research results and publishing or sponsoring academic journals in their discipline. Some also act as professional bodies, regulating the activities of their members in the public interest or the collective interest of the membership.

“Be a Student as Long as You
                             Still Have Something to Learn
                                                And This Will Mean All Your Life”

We feel that we are learned whereas according to me, no one is learned on this earth. We need to understand that there is no one on this earth who is unlearned also. We need to pay respect to others, irrespective of their age, relationship, sex, cast, religion…. We need to give values of others opinions also. In this system of life we have teachers, parents, Lecturers, Professors, etc. to are supposed to be learned to some extent in their field. In spiritual life there are gurus and masters who give us guidance for the right path. It is said also that one need to have a Guru to his elevation. This is the reason people take ‘Diksha’ from their Guru. We should be open to learning.

Krishna said to Arjuna that while speaking the learned words, you are mourning for what is not worthy of grief. Those who are wise lament neither for the living nor for the dead.

Our spiritual life begins in earnest only when we treat spirituality as a specialized branch of knowledge. Gita wisdom indicates that a spiritual message is authoritative when it is derived from scripture and transmitted through a chain of practitioners that goes back to the original revelation. This standard of authorization implies that we need to critically examine the credibility of our past sources of spiritual information and re-evaluate what we have learnt. To learn, we need to first unlearn which takes us to the path of being learned. Krishna tells Arjuna that though his words are learned, his emotions still remain uneducated and unlearnt. This is the hallmark of learning that needs to be unlearned and work towards being learned - what we know doesn’t really help us. Krishna said, “You are talking like a learned man, but you do not know that one who is learned - one who knows what is body and what is soul—does not lament for any stage of the body, neither in the living nor in the dead condition.” Knowledge means to know matter and spirit and the controller of both. Arjuna was lacking in that knowledge, he was not a learned man.

The great devotee and scholar Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura expressed the necessity of unlearning, "To walk back is the first stage of walking in the path of spiritual living…the neophyte is required to offer his loyal unlearning submission." This type of submission is not dis-empowering but it is super-empowering. Spiritual knowledge learnt thus empowers us to connect with Krishna and change ourselves for the better.

I would like you to give a thought that can any human being be a learned person? I would like to put my views that only Lord Krishna is a Learned as He possesses all knowledge. Krishna was 16 kala sampurna.

All Glories to Lord Krishna & All His Loving Devotees….. Hari Bol……
Courtesy: Bhagavad-Gita As It Is (by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ) , Srimad Bhagavad-Gita ( by A. Parthasarathy  & ) Chapter 2 : Text 11 ,, Wikipedia.,,,

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Listen to Heart: 35. Listen to Heart – A Friend is a Friend….

Listen to Heart: 35. Listen to Heart – A Friend is a Friend….: Hari Bol.... 35. Listen to Heart – A Friend is a Friend…. I remember on one of the Mother’s day some asked me to define Mother. I...

35. Listen to Heart – A Friend is a Friend….

Hari Bol....

35. Listen to Heart – A Friend is a Friend….

I remember on one of the Mother’s day some asked me to define Mother. I was thinking and was without any answer for some time. I was fused with the question. I was trying to give him answer in different ways but I was personally not getting satisfaction. Finally I said, “Mother is mother. Ma is Ma. For me she is my strength and she is my weakness”.

A similar situation was in front of me on one of the Friendship day. I was again puzzled and was without in proper answer. I was again trying to give answer in different ways but I was personally not convinced. Finally I said, “A Friend is Friend. She/he is my strength and she/he is my weakness”.

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association. Friendship has been studied in academic fields such as sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and philosophy. A World Happiness Database study found that people with close friendships are happier. Although there are many forms of friendship, some of which may vary from place to place, certain characteristics are present in many types of friendship. Such characteristics include affection, sympathy, empathy, honesty, altruism, mutual understanding and compassion, enjoyment of each other's company, trust, and the ability to be oneself, express one's feelings, and make mistakes without fear of judgment from the friend. While there is no practical limit on what types of people can form a friendship, friends tend to share common backgrounds, occupations, or interests, and have similar demographics. According to me Ma is the best example of a friend and the relationship with Ma is the best example of friendship relation.

We as human beings need society. Humans beings loves to make friends. In fact even animals make friends. We make some friend during our childhood. We play together and love to stay together. At this time our heart and mind is pure. We do not know the bitter facts of life as we learn as we grow like different casts, different religion, rich and poor, girl and boy and so on. During our school days we make friends. The life journey moves on to college and there also the friends are added. We start our professional life and the list becomes longer and this way the life journey goes on and similarly the list of the friends also become longer and longer.

So many social networks are there where we make friends. We are able to search for our old friends. Through this we are in touch with each other. We share are old memories to get refreshed. We chat together and so on…. One of the very commonly used networks is Facebook where we attached this with mind and heart. As I have said it tough to define a friend so I would like to share stories of great friends.

Sudama and Krishna were childhood friends. They first met at the ashram of Guru Sandipani. After few years, the boys completed their studies and went apart. Krishna married Rukmini and ruled Dwaraka. Sudama, in the meantime, married a poor Brahman girl. Sudama led a life of poverty as he was not attached to any worldly possessions. His wife was too good who as well did not crave for luxuries. Soon, children were born to Sudama and his wife. As the children grew older, they began to ask their parents for better food and the comforts of life. Sudama's wife could not bear to see them hungry. One day, she said to Sudama hesitantly, "My lord, you could ask Krishna for help, for isn't he rich and powerful?" But Sudama was not comfortable in seeking help from his friend. But his wife insisted for the sake of the children. Sudama agreed to see his friend but told that he would not ask his friend for anything. Sudama's wife borrowed some poha from a neighbor and wrapped it in a clean rag and gave it to Sudama. Later, he left for Dwaraka. Krishna was overjoyed after seeing Sudama. He made him sit down and washed his feet. Rukmini fanned him gently. Sudama was overwhelmed by the love that Krishna showered on him. He hesitated to give Krishna the poha thinking it was a little gift to someone like him. But Krishna read his mind and snatched it from his hand. "Poha, my favorite dish" said Krishna and ate a handful greedily. Before, he could take a second handful; Rukmini stopped him saying "One mouthful will give him all that he needs, my Lord".  Being the goddess of wealth, she was responsible for its distribution. Next morning, Sudama left Dwaraka. His heart was full, though he did not ask for anything from Krishna. As he approached his house, he saw a grand mansion. His wife and children came out of it wearing jewels and fine clothes. Then he understood Rukmini's words.
Moral: True friendship is a blessing


I would like to share an article of the lecture given by Srila Prabhupada in as is condition for better understanding which I read by courtesy of Srila Pabhupada was answering a question raised by devotees - If Radha and Krishna aren't married, why do we worship Them together, like Sita-Rama? Srila Prabhupada is very careful that we understand the relationship between Radha and Krishna very carefully; it's not like some mundane love affair between a young boy and young girl. There are several ways to look at it, but first we must understand this point.

". . .the love between Radha and Krishna is called parakiya. They're not married as husband and wife. Radharani appears to be the wife of someone else, but Radha and Krishna were friends from childhood. Radharani could never forget Krishna. She used to come to Krishna and stand before Him. And He was playing. They were Kishora-Kishori - boy and girl - but without inebriety.  Here, the boy and girls mix, and there are so many abominable, distressful things, which increase their material bondage. But between Radha and Krishna the friendship between boy and girl is there without inebriety. Krishna had so many gopis (cowherd maidens) as His girlfriends, but there were no contraceptive pills. That is the beauty. Here, the so-called love is lust. There (in the spiritual world), that (lust) is the highest. Here, the same thing has become its perverted reflection. Just like in a reflection of an original tree on the water, the topmost part appears to be the lowest.”

"Similarly, in the spiritual world, the highest, top most level of love is parakiya. Parakiya means love - not by marriage, but by friendship. There, it is pure. There's no inebriety. "Perverted" means the topmost thing has become the lowest. Here (in the material world), parakiya, loving another's wife or husband, is most abominable; it is adultery."

On the other hand, there's another story: When Krishna was a small child, Radharani was asked to accompany Him home. In Their childhood forms, Radha and Krishna were walking together in Bandiravan. They stopped to rest under a banyan tree, and, by Radha Krishna mystic potency, Radha Krishna manifested youthful forms. Lord Brahma was asked to be the priest for the wedding and guests arrived. Lord Brahma performed the marriage ceremony, with all the demigods in attendance. During the wedding ceremony, Radharani’s sari was tied to Krishna’s dhoti, as is the custom in Vedic weddings. When the ceremony was over and the guests had left, Radha Krishna assumed their childhood forms again. Radha gave Krishna to Mother Yashoda and then walked home. In this way it is accepted that Radha and Krishna are actually married. However, in order to make their pastimes more relishable, Radha is "so-called" married to Abhimanyu. The intrigue of ‘Them’ (Radha and Krishna) meeting in secret and planning and plotting against Jatila and Kutila always makes ‘Their’ pastimes more relish-able.

On still another level; Krishna is actually the only male (purusha - "enjoyer"), and everyone else is prakriti or female. So, Krishna is actually everyone's pati ("husband"), but especially He is every woman's husband. In fact, anyone who's married to anyone except Krishna is committing adultery!

Another example of friendship I would like to share is the friendship of Karna and Duryodhana. This friendship is considered to be a great one, and is used as an example of friendship and loyalty and trust between friends even in modern times.

Duryodhana's wife Bhanumathi and his close friend Karna were playing a game of dice. The stake between them was substantial. As the game progressed, it was evident that Karna was winning and Bhanumathi was losing. Karna could not suppress his delight. Just then Duryodhana entered his queen's chamber. Karna had his back to the door while Bhanumathi was facing it. Seeing her husband coming, she was about to stand up. As she was just rising, Karna, thinking that she was trying to get away from the embarrassment of certain defeat in the game, snatched at her drape, studded with pearls.

Tugged at by Karna's powerful hands, the thread snapped and all the pearls rolled on the floor. Queen Bhanumathi was stunned and did not know what to say or do. She was afraid that, for no fault of hers, she would be misunderstood by her husband because of Karna's offensive and insensitive behavior. Seeing her shocked state and sensing that something was wrong, Karna turned round and saw his friend Duryodhana. He was also deeply shocked and distressed beyond words. Here he was, in the royal chamber, playing a game of dice with his friend's wife and, as if this was not enough, he had the audacity to catch her clothes, thus embarrassing and endangering her chaste reputation. He stood dumbfounded and transfixed. Surely, Duryodhana would not tolerate such immodesty. He readied himself for the inevitable punishment.

As both she and Karna look down sheepishly, unable to meet Duryodhana's eyes, the Kaurava scion only asks; "Should I just collect the beads, or string them as well."

Both Bhanumathi and Karna had misjudged him. He had implicit faith and great love for his queen and greater was his faith on his friend Karna. He does not suspect, does not get angry with Karna but helps him in picking up the pearls.

He seems to not care about the low birth of Karna and is the only one to vocally support Karna candidature in the archery contest without caring about caste inequality. When Kripa humiliated Karna in the martial exhibition, Duryodhana immediately defended Karna, and made him king of Anga. Karna pledges his allegiance and friendship to Duryodhana, as Duryodhana had rescued him from a source of continuing humiliation and hardship. Neither of them knows that Karna is in fact Kunti's oldest son, born to (sun god) Surya. When Draupadi refuses to allow Karna to string the bod at her Swayamvara because of his low birth, Duryodhana defends him saying "great sages, philosophers, and warriors have no source. They are made great, not born great".

I am going to share a story of Arjuna and Krishna which might be known to all. Lord Krishna and Arjuna were walking down a lane leading to a beautiful wood. While walking Lord Krishna looked upon the sky and saw a bird flying. It was very beautiful; He immediately pricked Arjuna and said “look arjuna, how beautiful the bird is!” Arjuna replied, “Yes my Lord, It’s indeed a beautiful bird”. Krishna observed for a while and said “I wonder what bird is it! May be its white stork, am I right Arjuna, what do you think?” Arjuna without a second glance on the bird immediately replied “yes my Lord it’s a white stork, you are right”. Lord Krishna thought for a while and remarked “It can’t be a white stork as I can see its real color, probably due to the clouds it looked white, but now i can see its pinkish white, may be its a flamingo, see for yourself Arjuna”. Arjuna without a second glance on the bird immediately replied “yes my Lord you are right, it is pinkish white and it’s a flamingo”. Lord Krishna did this trick a few more times and each time he denied what he earlier said of the bird. He would sometimes say its green, its blue and every time Arjuna agreed to Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna again remarked, “No Arjuna, we both are wrong, its neither white nor pink, nor it is of any other color. I can now see clearly its brown and it’s a giant Eagle. Look for yourself Arjuna and see whether I am right”. Arjuna without a second glance on the bird immediately replied “yes my Lord you are right, the bird is brown in color and it’s a giant eagle”. This made Lord Krishna stop and He immediately playfully rebuked Arjuna, “I see you are mocking me, whatever I say you agree upon. Don’t you have your own judgments and can’t you use your senses, your mind and your intelligence in determining what bird it is? Why are you always agreeing upon what I say? I see you are making fun of me”.

Arjuna trying to hide a smile replied to Lord Krishna, “My Lord, why do you put me to such tests. I tell you one thing, even if you declare that it’s not a bird at all but some kind of Vimana (air craft) or say that it’s something else, still i will agree upon your words. For my Lord, who can be greater authority than You. You are the Supreme Lord, the creator, the father, mother and grandsire. You are the only enjoyer and the supreme Lord and supreme friend of every living entity. Who can be greater than You my Lord.” Krishna was amused by the reply!

Arjuna further said, “My Lord, I didn’t even see the bird but just agreed upon your words. For my Lord how much time will it take you to change the bird from a stork to flamingo, from a swan to giant eagle, or how much time will it take you Lord to make the bird into a vimana. It’s all yours Maya. Everything is resting upon you as pearls are resting on the thread of a necklace. Oh Krishna, I totally accept whatever you tell me my Lord. Neither the hosts of demigods nor the demons can fully understand you, nor comprehend you. My Lord my beloved, how can I disagree with my Lord my God, Oh Krishna? Lord Krishna gave a cute smile and put His hands upon Arjuna’s shoulder and the two friends walked away.

Arjuna realized that he was confused and needed help from his master who was his friend. The best person to discuss about one’s problem is always a friend. A friend can discuss with his friend anything, anytime, anywhere and ask for his help and guidance. If your friend is your master also, then one cannot get any better option than this. Arjuna was lucky to have Krishna as his friend and master also, so Arjuna surrendered himself to Krishna and asked for his help to show him the right path of action. Krishna was waiting for this moment when Arjuna would surrender to Krishna. So Krishna was smiling to see his friend to a state of mind when Arjuna would be in state of mind to open up for receiving the right instruction from Krishna. Arjuna was happy to ask for help from his friend Krishna and Krishna was also happy to help his friend Arjuna.

All Glories to Lord Krishna & All His Loving Devotees….. Hari Bol……
Courtesy: Bhagavad-Gita As It Is (by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ) , Srimad Bhagavad-Gita ( by A. Parthasarathy  & ) Chapter 2 : Text 10 ,, Wikipedia.,,

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Listen to Heart: 34. Listen to Heart – Inner Satisfaction is Cure o...

Listen to Heart: 34. Listen to Heart – Inner Satisfaction is Cure o...: Hari Bol.... 34. Listen to Heart – Inner Satisfaction is Cure of Mental Paralysis... I happened to attend a seminar on benchmarkin...

34. Listen to Heart – Inner Satisfaction is Cure of Mental Paralysis...

Hari Bol....

34. Listen to Heart – Inner Satisfaction is Cure of Mental Paralysis...

I happened to attend a seminar on benchmarking. It was a professional seminar. I was taught and made to understand; ‘Do not be satisfied. If a person is satisfied, he is blocking all the doors of growth and learning. He is not ready to progress in life. Set up target and once you achieve it then reset the target by raising the bar. Always keep yourself at stretchable to keep yourself active and motivated. Do not let the desire die. For their growth sky is the limit’.

I happened to attend a lecture of a spiritual master. He taught and made to understand; ‘Be satisfied. If you are not satisfied you are in aggression. Due to undisturbed state of mind you are blocking all the doors of growth and learning. You are not ready to progress in life. Set up the target for elevation and once you have achieved by practicing then take input from the master for elevation to the next step. Do not stop. Elevate the bar of elevation to understand the purpose of life. This would help you to be motivated and active with good mental and physical health. Do not let the desire of materialistic world take over. Control your desire of material and have desire of attaining humanity. For their growth the sky is the limit’.

The above two seminars are on the same topic but different way of looking at. The first one talks about material satisfaction and other talk of inner satisfaction. The talks were about growth and talks of sky as the limit for elevation. The first one is in reel life which we think it as real life and the second in real life which we think it as reel life. One does not listen to heart and the other listens to heart. One believes in motivation by motivation and the other believes in motivation by demotivation. One believes in only mind and the other believe in coordination of mind and heart.

This reminds me of one of my teachers at Scindia School. We used to have evening prayer and meditation. We had to attend ‘Asthachal, which is a special event practiced only at Scindia School. He used to share a thought for the evening every day. I would like to share one of the thought which somehow is registered. I do not say that I have achieved in practicing it but surely his thought reminds me and tells me to practice it. It was, “Anger is very valuable, I repeat, Anger is very valuable …Do not lose it”. I would like to thank my guru who tried to inject this into our system.

·        A devotee never takes the part of a particular party; therefore he is carefree.

People living and leading a spiritual life have challenges with people living for money. It has been passed by our ancestors to us and are passing to our next generations that money is the only thing in life or money nothing in life. Money is the root of all evil. Money does not make you happy. I belief, that money is part of life with spirituality. It is very much required by everyone. But do not get blind to achieve it as Dhritrashtra and Kauravas. There are two sides to a coin. Do your duty honestly and money would be there for you but do not do your duty for money with dishonesty because then money (Goddess Lakshmi) will not last for long. You may gain in short but will surely loose in long.

Old Beliefs
New Beliefs
Money is the root of all evil
Money is energy as input for other energy
I do not need much money; I have enough to survive
I deserve to receive riches and abundance
People with lots of money are greedy and selfish
People having lots of money enhances my positive energy and qualities and allows me to give greater service to society
Money is a necessity for our existence
Our existence is for making money to give services

There is nothing known as good and bad. It is path of action that makes it good or bad. It is the intention to towards the path of action which makes it good and bad. It is the way we look at. It is our state of mind. The inner satisfaction depends on our mind and heart. We need to be positive in our thoughts and practices. ‘Change yourself rather changing others….’ Do not harm anyone. Practice humanity. Help yourself by helping others. Do what you like and love to do. Do not enforce your thoughts on others. These are the basic which would always give inner satisfaction. The inner satisfaction discussed here is something different than what most have experienced and/or are lead to experience. It is not joy or pleasure as mind understands it. It is not found in any attachment of mind or what mind thinks and believes. It is not joy, pleasure or happiness in contrast to pain. One can be in a deep inner bliss and inner satisfaction even when in pain. In fact, the inner satisfaction can make the pain understandable and tolerable. This issue we face is engagement not detachment. It is about engaging life and what we experience in a very particular way. It is about engaging the truth of our being and living our truth in all ways in the world in which we find ourselves.

·        Be the change you want to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi
·        Nobody can hurt me without my permission - Mahatma Gandhi

Sanjay continued his narration to Dhrisrashtra. He said that Krishna was smiling and started addressing Arjuna. Krishna was smiling because of Arjuna’s reputation as great warrior of his time and his behavior as coward warrior. Arjuna had surrendered himself to Krishna for help. He was opening up for his advice. Krishna understood that he was in state of depression and fused state of mind regarding his duty. Krishna wanted to restores Arjuna’s true sense of duty and induce him to fight for righteousness. Arjuna had changed in mindset to openness for advice of Krishna. Arjuna had realized that he was not in a position mentally to take decision. Arjuna started realizing that he needs to realize his duty (Karma) and for this realization of his; Arjuna needed help from his friend Krishna whom he had accepted as his Master and Guru. So the process of Realization of Realization by Arjuna for the Realization of his Karma to realize the self-realization by God-Realization had started to achieve the inner satisfaction of having a specific cure for Arjuna’s mental paralysis could have brought a smile to his face.

All Glories to Lord Krishna & All His Loving Devotees….. Hari Bol……
Courtesy: Bhagavad-Gita As It Is (by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ) , Srimad Bhagavad-Gita ( by A. Parthasarathy  & ) Chapter 2 : Text 10 ,, Wikipedia.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Listen to Heart: 33. Listen to Heart – Realization of Realization i...

Listen to Heart: 33. Listen to Heart – Realization of Realization i...: Hari Bol.... 33. Listen to Heart – Realization of Realization is Realization of... What is Realization? It is really a very simpl...

33. Listen to Heart – Realization of Realization is Realization of...

Hari Bol....

33. Listen to Heart – Realization of Realization is Realization of...

What is Realization? It is really a very simple as well as tough to understand. Let us try to understand this to some extent together as it is beyond my capacity. So let us try to realize the realization. Realization is the state of understanding or becoming completely aware of something. It is an act of achieving something that was planned or hoped for or dreamt for. It is a cause of something to become real. It is accomplishment and achievement in actual to make it real. It is a process of attainment and achievement. A realization is a gradual or sudden understanding or comprehension of something. Another way to use the word realization is to mean the fulfillment of something that was previously only imagined, like the realization of your dream. Realization grew out of the French word ‘realizer, "to make real."

I would like to share a small and beautiful story about Love, Respect and Care for in order to lead a better life and avoid bitterness from life - A very poor man lived with his wife. One day, his wife, who had very long hair, asked him to buy her a comb for her hair to grow well and to be well - groomed. The man felt very sorry and said no. He explained that he did not even have enough money to fix the strap of his watch he had just broken. She did not insist on her request. The man went to work and passed by a watch shop, sold his damaged watch at a low price and went to buy a comb for his wife. He came home in the evening with the comb in his hand ready to give to his wife. He was surprised when he saw his wife with a very short haircut. She had sold her hair and was holding a new watch band. Tears flowed simultaneously from their eyes, not for the futility of their actions, but for the reciprocity of their love.

I would like to conclude as - To love is nothing, to be loved is something but to love and to be loved by the one you love, that is EVERYTHING. Never take love for granted. It is realization of love and respect for each other. They had mutual trust and respect for each other.

Realization means real evidence. It leads to success. It is a situation when one wishes to realize from within oneself i.e. from within heart looks up to realization for realization. Realization is the real realization when you realize self which helps us to reach self – realization.

Self - Realization is defined as the "fulfillment by oneself of the possibilities of one's character or personality. Self-realization is freedom from external coercion, including cultural expectations, political and economic freedom, and the freedom from worldly attachments and desires etc. As per Hindu mythology, self-realization (Atma – Jnana) is knowledge of the true self beyond both delusion and identification with material phenomena. It refers to self-identification and not ego identification. When we talk Self Realization it relates to selfless and not selfish. We have discussed how selfless is important in our life in the article, “Listen to Heart - Selflessness is its own Reward….” Selfless love is actually an attribute of the self-realized. I am thankful to one of my friend who suggested me to read a book - Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda. I was going through this book; Paramahansa Yogananda in his book describes this experience as “realization of ever new joy. Self-realization is not easy to achieve and requires spiritual practice, sometimes over multiple life times”. Ramakrishna said that God himself has become all these forms. It is not his will that the play should come to an end. That's why self-realization is not easily achieved. Saint Jnaneshwar said that the play existed for the sport of God. It was all his forms and manifestations.

Nothing is permanent, not even residing in hell or heaven is permanent. It is for temporary. The soul (atman), while working off its previous karma, continually acquires new karma. It is conceivable that if someone continually acquired bad karma by reinforcing bad actions they would remain in hell for a very long time. However, the soul can always be redeemed because there is the power of free will or independence from causality that originates from God himself. Good and evil is like knowledge and ignorance. Knowledge is good. Ignorance is evil. Ignorance leads to suffering and bondage. Knowledge leads to happiness and liberation. The highest heaven is said to be self-realization because that state is eternal, ever new, pure, perfect, and rapturous. Therefore, it is considered to be better than any sensual heaven, such as those in the realms of the Gods. Self-realization is said to be achieved through 4 types of spiritual practices.

·        Karma Yoga - It is without attachment to the fruit of action, acting by offering the fruit of the action to God. In other words, the practice of wholesome actions, actions that are complete, that fulfill all aspects of the present moment, leaving one in a state of fulfillment, i.e. free from desire, until the next impulse arises. All actions have a personal component which is unavoidable, be it pleasant, neutral or unpleasant. Wholesome, harmonious or in the flow actions are by definition fulfilling and therefor lead to Self-Realization.
·        Raja Yoga - It is psychic control or one pointed meditation that first focuses thought onto one point and then stops thought leaving only the underlying awareness.
·        Bhakti Yoga - It is the development of love for God and other beings.
·        Jnana Yoga - It is reasoning the mind from gross most to subtle most state culminating in samadhi. This type of Jnana or knowledge is not exactly like book learning. Rather Jnana is discovering one's self and uncovering its mysteries through direct inner contemplation. Ultimately knowledge of relative phenomena dissolves and only the original Life-Force or God remains.

Ramana Maharshi, taught us awareness or consciousness of "I am," plays a key role in achieving self-realization; tracing back to the source of awareness by asking oneself the question "Who am I?", the true self becomes obvious. Focusing attention on the qualified "I am" is a powerful means to achieving the end which is being one with the completely unqualified "I," the True Self which is experienced as Silence. Replacing the confused duality of self and ego with the pristine non-dual experience of self is the essence of Ramana's teaching.

In 1970 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, created The method of meditation Sahaja Yoga, which defines self-realization as a connection with yourself or the first encounter with reality.

Since Buddhism denies the existence of a separate self, as explicated in the teachings of an atman and sunyata, self-realization is a contradiction in termini’s for Buddhism. Though the tathagatagarbha-teachings seem to teach the existence of a separate self, they point to the inherent possibility of attaining awakening, not to the existence of a separate self. The dharmadhatu-teachings make this even clearer: reality is an undivided whole; awakening is the realization of this whole.

Sikhism propounds the philosophy of Self-realization. This is possible by "aatam-cheennea" or "Aap Pashaanae", purifying the self from the false ego.
'Atam-cheene' is self-analysis, which is gained by peeping into one's self in the light of the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. It is the process of evaluating and analyzing oneself on the touchstone of 'naam simran' which if practiced, pierces into the self and washes it from within. The filth of too much of materialism goes, the self gets purified and the mind comes in 'charhdi kala/higher state of mind". This means that the self should be assessed, examined and purified, leading to self-realization and the purification of our mind. Once purified the mind helps in ushering in oneness with the Super Power as the Guru says, "Atam-cheen bhae nirankari" (SGGS:P. 415) which means that one gets attuned to the Formless Lord through self-realization. Indirectly it means that self-realization leads to God-realization.

·        Guru Nanak Sahebji said, “Those who realize their self; get immersed into the Lord Himself. He, who realizes his self, comes to know the essence”.

We have tried to understand Self-Realization but then what is God-Realization. According to Indian guru Meher Baba, God-realization is the highest state of consciousness and the goal and ultimate destiny of all souls in creation. A soul that realizes God experiences God's infinite power, knowledge, and bliss continuously. The state of consciousness leads to ego. We have to understand that the creation by the Lord is not an accident. It has a deeper meaning. The transcendental destiny is God-realization. The real happiness which comes through realizing God is worth all physical and mental sufferings in the universe. The happiness of God-realization is self-sustained, eternally fresh and unfailing, boundless and indescribable; and it is for this happiness that the world has sprung into existence. According to Meher Baba, the experience of Oneness with God, is not the same as simply intellectual understanding of this condition through reading or contemplation, but rather must be fully experienced. This ultimate experience, for which the universe came into being and is continually sustained, cannot be described or talked about, but only lived and directly experienced. One gets God-realization at the hands of one Master and Guru, but for knowledge, which the Muslim Sufis call Irfan and the Hindu sages Jnana, it may be necessary for him to approach more Masters than one.

The Pandavas and Kauravas represent the good and bad in a human being. Good and bad are the merits and demerits of human being due to desires and lust. Due to good deed you acquire good vasanas (inherent tendencies). They help you to be a good human being. Similarly bad desires and deeds make you a bad human being. When you are open minded you are able to surrender to Krishna and master who is of higher intellect to get the knowledge of self. This is the reason that Gita was departed between two armies of Pandavas and Kauravas i.e. Good and bad respectively. So the talks of Bhagavad-Gita are not for any particular person, society, or community, but they are for all, and friends or enemies are equally entitled to hear them.

Do your Duty (Karma) and surrender your body, mind and life to the Guru’s feet. Guru is the God. To get this conviction, strong faith is necessary. For this one should listen to his heart only as Krishna abodes there. Nice of Indian traditional values, we should count as to how long one has to go, not that how much one has walked for in the journey of Realization of; Self – Realization, God – Realization or any other realization. Reading, listening and discussing of Bhagavad-Gita helps us to purify our soul by being human and increase Krishna Consciousness in the process of Realization. By this we can realize the realization of anything and thus we can say that Realization of Realization is Realization of…

All Glories to Lord Krishna & All His Loving Devotees….. Hari Bol……
Courtesy: Bhagavad-Gita As It Is (by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ) ,  Srimad Bhagavad-Gita ( by A. Parthasarathy  & ) Chapter 2 : Text 10 ,, Wikipedia. Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda, Main article: Enlightenment in Buddhism, Sikh philosophy, Meher Baba The Awakener