Sunday, 18 May 2014

12. Listen to Heart – Sacrifice is not Sacrifice…..

Hari Bol....

12. Listen to Heart – Sacrifice is not Sacrifice…..

Sacrifice is word which is known to all of us and is being used every day and now and then. It is a word with deep meaning having all positives in it. It helps us to be positive in life. It gives a positive attitude towards all and towards oneself. It gives us positive strength. It gives us positive energy and thus surrounds the atmosphere with positive vibrations. It teaches us to pay respect to others. It teaches us to be focussed for a cause. It is offering of anything. It is an act of giving up something of any value for sake of something else or may not be anything regarded as important or worthy. If one gives up something for a good cause is sacrifice. It is used in materialistic world.

I was referring an article it said “The act of offering something to a deity in propitiation or homage, especially the ritual slaughter of an animal or a person”. I personally agree partially to it. Paying homage is paying respect to the deity. Offering something without the thought of return is sacrifice. Slaughtering of animal or a person is not sacrifice in fact it is crime. No one has the right to kill any living beings. An animal is killed and slight by a human being because that animal was weaker than that human being. If one cannot give life one does not have the right to kill. All are souls. All souls are supposed to be representation of the Lord and thus all souls are supposed to paid respect. Offering anything to deity is not sacrifice because everything with us is given by the Lord. I was born as soul without anything so the Lord gave everything in this world and if I offer anything to deity how am I scarifying when everything belongs to the lord even I myself as a soul belong to the lord. So according to me offering anything to the deity is not sacrifice.

A boy was born on 2nd Oct 1869 in Porbander in Gujarat. His father died before he could finish his schooling, and at thirteen he was married to Kasturba. In 1888 he set sail for England, where he had decided to pursue a degree in law. While traveling by train to Pretoria, He experienced his first taste of racial discrimination. In spite of carrying first class ticket, he was indiscriminately thrown out of the train by the authorities on the instigation of a white man. It was then he felt so bad that he decided to sacrifice his life for a good cause of eliminating the feeling of discrimination. It was a cause for humanity.  His inner voice said to him about Britishers, “you have thrown me out of train I will throw you out of my country.” He took a decision to throw all Britishers from India and help South Africans also in this movement. By 1903, he had begun to lead a life of considerable discipline and self-restraint. He changed his dietary habits, he was his own doctor, he embraced the Gita and he was confronting untouchability. Except God, he feared nothing. He decided to follow the route of non-violence to throw away the Britishers. He could have done some service or business to engage him and earn his living whereas he struggled for whole of his life but was focused for his vision of Free India with non-violence. Finally Independence Day was observed on 15th August 1947. There were differences of opinion also amongst the leaders regarding various things. After Independence was observed many were given post in government of India. In fact many of them so called leaders changed their mindset and started thinking as politicians and started fighting for power and post which even lead to division of country – our motherland. But this man did not take any post because he was focused for his sacrifice in his life for a purpose of his vision of an Independent India which was finally achieved. The entire world remembers him as Father of Nation (India). He got the highest level respect. It was his sacrifice. By now you must know about the great person about whom I am talking about, who needs no introduction. It is none else than Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. The father of our nation respected “Gandhiji” who is lovingly and respectfully remembered as Bapu. We all human beings especially all Indians salute you. You will be remembered forever….

At Kurukshetra,  Arjuna says to Krishna that he does not see any good in killing his own kinsmen. He does not desire any kingdom and happiness by killing them. All are standing to fight give their lives and kingdom so why should he kill them. Arjuna said he is not prepared to fight even in exchange for three worlds (heaven, earth and hell) let alone this earth, alternatively waking, dream and deep sleep states of consciousness. Arjuna is ready to sacrifice much, much more than earthly kingdom. He will derive no pleasure in killing the son of Dhritrashtra. Arjuna became blind and forgot the duties of Kshatriya. Arjuna was ready to sacrifice his happiness after winning the battle. Arjuna was saintliness by character, and therefore he wanted to deal with them in saintiliness. With destruction of dynasty, the eternal family tradition is vanquished and thus the rest of the family members get involved in irreligion. A Kshatriya is not supposed to refuse to battle or gamble when he is so invited by some rival party. Under such an obligation, Arjuna could not refuse to fight, because he had been challenged by the party of Duryodhana. In this connection, Arjuna considered that the other party might be blind to the effects of such a challenge. Arjuna, however, could see the evil consequences and could not accept the challenge. Obligation is actually binding when the effect is good, but when the effect is otherwise, then no one can be bound. Considering all these pros and cons, Arjuna decided not to fight and sacrifice the kingdom to Kauravas and was ready to lead a life of a saint. The Gita thus illustrates the pre-requisites for acquiring spiritual wisdom. We gradually recognize that Gita wisdom is offering us an entirely new conceptual. When we revise our preconceptions according to the Gita’s worldview, then we too will experience the dramatic transformation and dynamic empowerment experienced by Arjuna. We will progressively realize our core identity as indestructible spiritual beings and our ultimate destiny as blissful participants in a life of endless love with Krishna.

All Glories to Lord Krishna & All His Loving Devotees….. Hari Bol……

Courtesy : Bhagavad-Gita As It Is (by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ) ,  Srimad Bhagavad-Gita ( by A. Parthasarathy  & ) Chapter 1 : Text 31-35

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